Album Reviews

Following up on their “Daydreams” EP, California’s I’m Glad It’s You recently released their debut full-length, “The Things I Never Say”. With a sound that lingers between alt-rock and 90ies emo, they seem to be on a bit of a nostalgia trip with plenty of youthful vigor. Their EP earned them a bunch of comparisons to the likes of Joyce Manor. And while you can still pick up on that in songs like “”Keepsake” and the title track, they explore other vibes and atmospheres just the same.
Most of the time they simply make everything sound pretty and sincere. There are little twinkly, noodling riffs all over the place, the rhythm section has a firm grasp on dynamics and the lyrics are heartfelt. There’s just that tiny little problem with the vocals, which have an annoying way of going slightly off-key, and the fact that none of these songs seem to stick with me once they’re done. They are enjoyable enough while they last though.
Track listing:
- The Things We Lose
- The Things I Never Say
- To Contest A Parking Citation
- Keepsake
- Curbside
- Small Talk
- Communion
- Revival
- Diner Coffee
- Daydreams