Album Reviews

Formed in South Wales just two years ago, Casey didn’t waste time in getting their name out. Building on the momentum they already had going for themselves, the band recently released their debut full-length, “Love Is Not Enough”, via Hassle Records.
“Love Is Not Enough” comes with eleven songs of the emotional hardcore variety and would sit comfortably between your Touché Amoré and Counterparts albums. Tracks like “Bloom” and “Sleep” get right up in your face, while other songs (“Little Bird”, “Doubt”) come with delicate melodies and more atmospheric parts. Meanwhile vocalist Tom Weaver pours his heart out over a failed relationship, with emotions ranging from anger to resignation and everything in between.
Admittedly, Casey’s sound is not exactly original. That is not meant to take away from their accomplishment though. They did a solid job with “Love Is Not Enough” and do a great job of dragging you right with them in the turmoil that usually follows when people break up. If you’re into the abovementioned bands, you’ll find there is plenty to like here.
Track listing:
- Bloom
- Little Bird
- Darling
- Sleep
- Happy
- Haze
- Passion Flowers
- Ceremony
- Cavities
- Doubt
- Mourning