Album Reviews

I have never checked out Useless ID’s first three album that came out in the nineties on Falafel Records. Or their first album for Kung Fu Records for that matter. And I suppose I’m not really missing much seeing as not a single track off of those albums is featured on ‘Most Useless Songs,’ the band’s best of comp out now on Fat Wreck.
If you find yourself wondering what the point is in still releasing a ‘Best of’ album when you have Spotify, know that you are not alone. Okay, you get two new songs in the form of ‘Same Old Revolution’ and ‘Into The Exquisite’. But you could just as well add those to the Useless ID playlist you no doubt have and not spend 13 bucks on this.
‘Most Useless Songs‘ does work as an excellent reminder of just how good a band Useless ID is as they take you through their last five albums . Ragers like ‘State of Fear’ and ‘How To Dismantle An Atom Bomb’ are mixed with more poppy cuts like ‘Night Shift’ and ‘Symptoms’. Don’t even have time for that? Check out ‘Too Bad You Don’t Get It,’ the band’s contribution to 1999’s Fat Wreck Chords compilation ‘Short Music For Short People’ and a great way to spend all of 34 seconds.
Track listing:
- State Of Fear
- Isolate Me
- Night Shift
- It's Alright
- How to Dismantle an Atom Bomb
- Turn up the Stereo
- Jukebox 86
- Too Bad You Don't Get It
- Symptoms
- Night Stalker
- Dying Love
- At Least I Tried
- New Misery
- State Is Burning
- Same Old Revolution
- Into the Exquisite