Album Reviews

On the opening track of their debut EP, Norway’s Spielbergs don’t just knock on your door. Instead they kick the whole thing out of its hinges with the Japandroids-like ‘We Are All Going To Die,’ which sounds decidedly less gloomy and a whole lot more exuberant than what its title promises. With propulsive drums and a guitar that sounds like it’s running out of breath, the song is a straight-up celebration of life. Calling this impressive is something of an understatement.
What’s even more impressive though is that the opening track is not a fluke. Both the slightly more mellow ‘Daisy! It’s The New Me’ and the Middle-Class-Rut-meets-Superchunk vibe of the title track are nothing short of showstoppers. And then there’s the shoegaze-y ‘Ghost Boy’, which clocks in at a whopping 8 minutes yet still leaves you wanting more, and dreamy closer ‘Setting Sun,’ which shows yet another side of Spielbergs, a more thoughtful yet still hopeful one.
Just like the director they named themselves after, Spielbergs make it clear with just five songs that they are a versatile bunch. No matter what they set their sights on, it ends up sounding great. Where they will go next is as good as anyone’s guess, but even a cynical old bastard like me is already excited about it.
Track listing:
- We Are All Going To Die
- Daisy! It’s The New Me
- Ghost Boy
- Distant Star
- Setting Sun