Album Reviews

Deinventing The Wheel
Friday, September 30, 2016 - 18:29
submitted by

Seventeen songs might seem a bit much for one album. But if you’re Entropy and keep your songs around the one minute mark, things remain very do-able. This New York hardcore punk outfit likes things short and sweet as they blast their way through “Deinventing The Wheel” with ferocious riffs, pummeling drums, gritty vocals and a nice old school flavor that makes things go down smoothly. There is one exception though. “Game Over Man, Game Over” clocks in at a very generous 138 seconds, making it the band’s equivalent of a Grateful Dead jam session.


If you picked up a copy of the band’s “So It Goes” EP last year, you will recognize a couple of tracks on here alongside eleven new jams that come at you with tongue planted firmly in cheek. Good stuff for fans of Paint It Black and Gorilla Biscuits.


Track Listing:

  1. Ok, This Looks Bad
  2. All This Breathing Is Making Me Hungry
  3. Pretzel Day
  4. Wah Dah Tah
  5. Don't Confuse Me With The Facts
  6. Hibbleton
  7. South Side Ewok
  8. I Have The Toes I Have
  9. Dinner Prep
  10. Tonight Is Your Night, Bro
  11. Game Over Man, Game Over
  12. Shark Sandwich
  13. Giant Eagle Part II
  14. You Can't Fight In Here, This Is The War Room
  15. Charles Berry
  16. Love, Dirty Mike and the Boys
  17. So It Goes


Tom Dumarey
Tom Dumarey

Lacking the talent to actually play in a band, Tom decided he would write about bands instead. Turns out his writing skills are mediocre at best as well.