
Adelaide party punks Hightime return with their much anticipated record ‘Thrive’, a punk reggae mashup of party anthems oozing positivity and self improvement. And I think that we can all agree that if there is something we can all use right now, it is positivity. 'Thrive' is Hightime’s coming of age record; a story about reconnecting with yourself, others, and the earth we all live upon. Or as they describe it themselves:
'Thrive' is a record that encourages perspective, growth, determination, honesty and agency within everyone's lives to ensure we are all living as best we can, for both ourselves and the world around us. Living your life whilst finding joy and fulfilment can be really difficult sometimes, and there is hope that 'Thrive' can do for others what it has done for us; to nurture and encourage positive growth and grounding perspective.
Have a listen below to the whole 7". Like what you hear? Then order your "Reign In Blood” Transparent Vinyl via Pee Records here.
HANUMAN HALI - as told by Reuben
Haniman Hali was actually written in a town called Hanuman Hali in central south India. A truly epic landscape, an arid land scattered with giant boulders, stacked as if someone had made these mountainous boulder piles on purpose.
The locals believed the great monkey god Hanuman found the rocks floating in the sea and thought he better pull them out and milk piles of them.
I thought this was epic and wrote the Hanuman Hali tune imagining this epic giant monkey god throwing boulders around an ancient metropolis like a boss. I hope i captured it!
QUIT YA JOB - as told by Nina
Quit Ya Job isn’t just a song telling people to sacrifice their employment or financial stability; it’s a song to encourage people towards embracing what makes them happy. It’s a conversation about how we are lucky enough to be able to steer our lives in purposeful directions; and with a bit of agency, responsibility and determination, we have the power to improve our lives and in turn, achieve a certain level of happiness and fulfilment.
When Reuben first introduced the main guitar riff of Quit Ya Job to the band, he also shared a lyric he’d written for the chorus, “I can’t quit my job”; whilst expressing how he had become unhappy in his job and was feeling stuck. Being the eternal optimist I am, and feeling empowered by his story, asked if he’d be comfortable with changing the lyric to something inspiring and positive, how about “I CAN quit my job”.
Well, shortly after that, Reuben did quit his job, and armed with the spark of change, embarked on a long-term trip to Nepal, starting a charity providing water and schooling to those in need.
Happiness is not something that happens overnight, but sometimes it’s the journey within these small changes that become the catalyst for self fulfilment.
EXIST - as told by Nina
I often find myself reflecting on what’s important to me in life and acknowledging that even though I have dreams I’m still working toward achieving (and still a while away from achieving them), I find it really helpful to take stock of all the good that I do have already.
On days when the world seems like too brutal a place to exist in, I try to remember just how lucky I am and all that I'm grateful for.
Exist is pretty much a summation of our individual and collective conscious efforts to lead our lives in the best ways possible, for us and the world we live in. We live for what we love and try our best to give out as much love and support as we have been lucky enough to receive.
SAY WHAT YOU MEAN - as told by Nina
Say What You Mean is a massive reflection on relationships that have been somewhat dysfunctional and at some points, toxic. Whether it’s a relationship with someone or just your own relationship with yourself, this song highlights how important it is to figure out what you want and to be honest with yourself and those closest to you, otherwise things can get pretty difficult and murky very quickly.
It’s also a sobering look at how important it is to face up to what you need and want in life. No matter how level-headed you are, anyone can end up in a poorly balanced relationship or even an abusive relationship, and it is extremely difficult to get yourself out of those damaging situations.
Say What You Mean ruminates on the notion that if we are able to simply say what we mean and only take what we need (not just from others, but also from an environmental perspective), we will be able to get closer to living a true, honest and healthier life.
THE NEXT MOVE - as told by Nina
The Next Move is probably my favourite song on Thrive simply because it is a song that encourages you to assess where you’re at in your life, what you want and what you have to do to get there. Instead of a song that provides the answers to these questions, we left it open to the lister to create their own direction.
A challenging and immediate look at how hard it can be to just get by sometimes, it is quite honest about how gruelling and harrowing life can seem or be, and how much work it takes to ask yourself those big questions to take control of your life.
None of our songs ignore the obstacles and difficulties that life can present, but this song in particular highlights how it can feel sometimes when you really get down and feel unsure about your direction, purpose, or how to move forward.
I love that we ask the question of “Is the routine really worth the happiness you trade?” and leave the listener to decide what is best for them; take the chance, change their routine and make a change, or to find solace and support in their current lives.