Album Reviews

Holy shit, what is that noise?? It’s “Still”, the new album by powerviolence monsters Weekend Nachos. Don’t assume that just because they have a funny name, they are funny. Because they are not. These guys are fucking fuming and I’m pretty sure they hate everyone and everything that crosses their path.
On their fourth album, Weekend Nachos continue down the same path as on “Worthless”… it’s all fast and furious here. No, make that very fast and extremely furious. While there are still sludgy breakdowns to be found all over the place, they are usually kept to the bare minimum. Most of the time these guys sound like they were bitten by Cujo after having consumed massive amounts of bath salts five minutes earlier. Ever wanted to know what a panic attack feels like? Listen to “You’re Not Punk” with the volume turned all the way up and experience it firsthand.
“Still” clocks in at just under 22 minutes but you’ll be exhausted at the end with barely enough strength left to hit the play button again.