Album Reviews

For Less Than Jake “GNV FLA” is a return to their old sound, hence the reference to their hometown where it all began for these guys. It basically means more horns and more rock and just doing what they want to do without making any compromises. Coincidentally – or not - this album also is the first to be released on their very own label Sleep It Off Records, on which they recently re-released a couple of their older albums. There’s a lot of energy and speed present on these 15 songs and while a couple of songs truly stand out, it all tends to sound a little alike after a while. I’m not saying “GNV FLA” isn’t a solid Less Than Jake albums that longtime fans will love, I just think it would’ve benefited from a more stringent selection policy. If they would’ve simply cut a couple of tracks and only kept the ones with the übercatchy choruses and horns like “Does The Lion City Still Roar?” and “Settling Son”, I would’ve liked “GNV FLA” even better!