Album Reviews

When I came across Springfield, IL’s Attic Salt earlier this year, they immediately won me over. And apparently I wasn’t the only one they won over because they got signed by new kid on the label block, Dodgeball Records, who have now released the band’s self-titled album.
What to expect? Ten catchy, hook-laden blasts of hooky power-pop meets crunchy 90’s college rock meets pop-punk that remind me in equal measures of Martha, Magnapop and Helicopter Helicopter. And as if that isn’t enough sweetness to go round just yet, they also treat us to amazing alternating (altermazing?) male and female vocals courtesy of guitarists Andy Harmon and Alyssa Currie.
Picking a favorite on here is as impossible as picking one single reason why Trump isn’t fit to be president. Does that make any sense? I’m not really sure, but Attic Salt is one of those bands that seemingly came out of nowhere and immediately took over a small part of my heart.
Track listing:
- Hometown
- Passenger
- Arm's Length
- Raw Material
- Sierra Nevada
- Weird Science
- Library Boy
- Daylight Savings Time
- Drawing Board
- Never Meant