Album Reviews

Amplification of Self-Gratification or ASG is back with album number four of their Southern-fried riff-driven rock and – of course – it’s once more a treat. I’m a fan of these surfer dudes because A. you can’t classify them under metal, stoner, psychedelic or whatever… they’re a bit of everything and B. they’re in the habit of writing killer riffs and then throwing catchy choruses over ‘em. And that’s pretty much all I need to have a good time!
Things are once again no different on “Win Us Over”. Take a little Queens Of The Stone Age and a lot of CKY and you’re on the right track. This time around they added a little bit of Mastodon (check out “Dream Song”) as well but overall these guys are still very radio-friendly. Which makes me wonder why they aren’t more well-known… might it be that they are somewhat caught in the skate/surf scene? Whatever the reason, it’s a damn shame because “Win Us Over” is definitely worth a listen along with their previous albums.