
Put members of Count Me Out, American Nightmare, Striking Distance among others together in a band and things sure to get loud and nasty. And that's exactly what Cloak / Dagger sounds like.

The Hives

The Hives everybody! We love The Hives. We love their records. We love their onstage antics. We love their all-round-nice-guy-ness and their cute little touch of arrogance.

The Legendary Shack Shakers

Th' Legendary Shack Shakers were an unknown name to yours truly but I was hooked as soon as I heard their latest album "Swampblood". They play an incredible mix of all kinds of Southern music styles and come out with killer tunes.

Make It Count – Leeway

Make It Count – Leeway

For a second I couldn’t believe it… but then it turned out the album title was “Leeway” and that “Make It Count” was in fact not the title of a new Leeway album I had somehow heard nothing about.