Album Reviews

“Who Would Ever Want Anything So Broken?” is Beach Slang’s debut and if this really is a question, then the answer would be ‘Me! Me! Me!” after having heard the four songs that make up this EP.
Beach Slang is the new band around Weston’s James Snyder and along with NONA’s Ed McNulty and Ex Friends’ JP Flexner they are out to revisit the nineties. Snyder has the kind of raspy voice that sits well with me as it brings back memories of both Jawbreaker and early Goo Goo Dolls. Add snappy drums, charming fatalism, great riffs and an overall nostalgic sound to the mix and you’re looking at a couple of tracks that deserve to be played with the volume turned wide open.
Apparently they are already working on more material… something that I am already looking forward to hearing!