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Philadelphia's hardcore punks Staticlone sign to Relapse Records and make their debut with the crushing new album, Better Living Through Static Vision, out March 7, 2025.
Hardcore and punk aren't genres that necessarily celebrate change. It’s not like the music is stagnant; it’s more that the tried and true is rewarded while anything new, anything different, is greeted with a quizzical eyebrow and the spoken or unspoken question of: “Is this good? Can you mosh to it?"
If there was anyone in Philadelphia who could answer those queries with expert authority, it’s George Hirsch and Dave Walling. Though really, you don’t even need to ask them. Put on the debut album by Staticlone, the band they started at the tail end of their previous outfit Blacklisted, and you’ll find all the answers you need.
On Better Living Through Static Vision you can hear Hirsch, bassist Walling, and drummer Jeff Ziga channel everything from crust to metal, and the hardcore punk they’ve all been steeped in for decades. In the sum of those parts Staticlone follows the path of Disfear, Wolfbrigade, Inepsy, and other groups that combine d-beat ferocity with rock n’ roll riffs.
Today, Staticlone share the album's first single, "Honeycomb." Hirsch comments, "When I was a kid I could hear the El train from my house, a weird calling, similar to the first time I heard Agnostic Front or Trouble. Growing up in Philadelphia I would ride that same El and Subway for hours, just staring out the window and listening to headphones. I’d ditch school (later on work) to do it, disappearing in the city disguised as a commuter. This same train took me to gigs where I eventually met Dave and Jeff. When I moved to Chicago, I did the same. The common bond being this weird 'static vision' that you see while looking out of a moving train window. When I moved back to Philadelphia the first thing I did was get on the train. I wrote a lot of the LP on these trains, combing through this life, which ironically is only a one way ticket."
He continues, "Staticlone is a band that makes music: Hardcore punk for hardcore punks, it’s that simple."
The lyrics on Better Living Through Static Vision, all written by Hirsch, focus on themes of alienation and loss. That poetry is paired beautifully with some of the most unrelenting, snarly, and heavy hardcore and punk from the East Coast. Which brings us back to those two very important questions: Is it good? Unquestionably. Can you mosh to it? Just try and stand still.
Better Living Through Static Vision tracklist:
- Better Living Through Static Vision
- Honeycomb
- This Light Burns Like Poison
- Sullen Me
- Moths
- Alone In Philadelphia
- Patching Holes In A Dead Star
- Thin Places
- Lens Flare
- Red Eye