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In Spite Of
HotLung In Spite Of Punk Rock Theory
Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 22:28
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Santa Cruz, CA based post-hardcore band HotLung have announce their debut album, In Spite Of, releasing on June 13th, 2024 via Sell The Heart Records (U.S.), Little Rocket Records (U.K.) and Amplify Music


Fronted by Kelly Dalbeck (Daxma) and Joe Clements (Fury 66, The Deathless), HotLung was formed in Santa Cruz, CA in spring of 2022. Taking inspiration from the likes of Quicksand and Seaweed and blending it with various elements from grunge, punk, and (post) hardcore, they have managed to create a novel sound. Think Fugazi meets the Pixies.

Kelly’s lyrics approach dark subjects with chiling imagery and poignant reflection, yet maintain an undercurrent of hope and motivation leaving the listener inspired rather than apathetic. The blaring guitars (Jon Jamieson) and explosive drums (Dustin Roth) give you the feeling that hard rock isn’t dead after all, it just took a wrong turn somewhere in 1995.

Despite being relatively young, they are driven and active. They have already established themselves as a key player in the local music scene joining acts like Year of the Cobra, Dusted Angel, Museum of Light.