Movie Reviews

Call Girl
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Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 20:33
Directed by: 

Based on a true story, Call Girl takes us back to Sweden in the seventies. Expect to see lots of big moustaches, bad haircuts, jeans pulled up way beyond the bellybutton, people smoking like there’s no tomorrow and reel to reel tape recorders that can blast out Abba tunes as well as record phone conversations. As far as atmosphere goes, director Mikael Marcimain did a solid job.

The call girl that the movie is named after is Iris, a 14-year-old girl that ends up in a home. There she finds herself reunited with Sonja, who she calls her cousin. They run off pretty much every single night to explore Stockholm’s nightlife where they eventually run into Dagmar Glans, a woman who sets up businessmen and politicians with young girls. Meanwhile detective John Sandberg is trying to get a grip on Glans’ operations but runs into a lot of opposition from his superiors, which makes sense if you look at who Glans’ clients are.

Call Girl is not a balls to the wall kinda thriller, it’s all very subtle and meticulously laid out with actors who all know what they’re doing. Kudos to Sofia Karemyr who debuts as Iris and does a killer job of balancing between naïve and manipulative throughout the entire movie.