
The mighty force that is Night Birds will be coming over to Europe soon and that's pretty much all the reason we needed to ask vocalist Brian Gorsegner some really deep tour-related questions. Read on to find out what Brian can't go on tour without, what he thinks the 'groez' in Groezrock stands for and whether or not they take requests at shows. Oh, and you'll find all the tour dates below!
PRT: You’re coming over to Europe in April. Why should people leave their comfy couch and come hang out with the Night Birds instead?
Brian: Because it would be really sad if we were the only people there... not that it hasn't happened before. Truthfully, it's difficult for me to find a reason to tell anyone to leave their house anymore, television is so good these days. Season 2 of True Detective was seriously horrible, but season 1 was great. Broad City is one of the funniest shows I've seen in the past 5 years, and our buddy Chris Gethard is on it! He plays Alana's boss. They're currently working on a new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, that has me excited... And other newer HBO shows have been killing it too. Although I just read they cancelled the Brink after only one season, which is BULLSHIT because I was really feeling season 1. Funniest thing I've seen Jack Black do in a long while. Fargo lost me halfway through the season, but I gotta say I think Netflix knocked it out of the park with Narcos. However, if you're watching some bullshit like Orange is the New Black, then do yourself a favor and come see Night Birds cause that show sucks.
PRT: With three albums and a bunch of EPs out, how do you go about compiling your setlist?
Brian: It used to be easy for me to whip up a set list, and now it's really hard. We don't like to play long sets, because really no punk band should play for longer than 30 minutes, unless your the Descendents... but we have so many god damned songs now that it's hard for me to narrow it down. Currently working on a new one for our short run with NOFX and then a slightly longer one for our headlining European tour.
PRT: What are some of the things you can’t go on tour without?
Brian: Used to be Xanax but I went all of 2015 without taking a single one. I'm not one of these "I just brought a leather jacket and the clothes on my back for a 3 week tour" types... I bring extra shoes, and extra pillow case, a plastic bag for my dirty laundry, appropriate number of shirts, pairs of socks / underwear... Headphone for when PJ starts to drive me totally bonkers. I don't bring toothpaste, for some reason though. Never have. So if we stay at your house, please be advised.
PRT: Do you have a pre-show ritual? Or a lucky charm that you need to have with or on you?
Brian: No ritual, but I do get attached to wearing certain shirts. My black and red "Mick Foley" flannel has been something of a security blanket for me for a couple years. Before that it was my black and white one till it fell apart.
PRT: What do you feel is the biggest difference between touring in Europe and the US?
Brian: Hospitality! Europeans are so outgoing and hospitable. It's seemingly just part of the European punk culture, and something that unfortunately never caught on over here. The best you'll usually get in the States is if someone makes some plain pasta in sauce... Which is cool, but then you go to Europe and you get breakfast, and dinner, and it's always these amazing meals. So much booze, soda, all kinds of stuff. People are so kind to us when we are over there, and we're always really grateful.
PRT: You’ll be playing at Groezrock this year. Is playing a festival the same as any other show for you or is there a difference?
Brian: I think we're most in our element in a smaller, more intimate setting, but we do our best to hold it down on a big stage. It's tough playing punk rock with a barricade in front of you and 15 feet away from the next closest person, but it can be fun sometimes. My sneakers don't have enough traction to do the cool guy, stand on the monitor thing, I'd just fall like a dunce.
PRT: About the name Groezrock… the rock part is pretty obvious, but what do you think Groez means?
Brian: I always thought it was German but it just occurred to me the fest is in Belgium, so I have absolutely no idea. Maybe it was started by Hans Groez, a completely fictitious person I just created who could in theory be real?
PRT: Next to Groezrock, you will also be playing at Pouzza Fest and Punk Rock Bowling. Which one are you most looking forward to and why?
Brian: Punk Rock Bowling because the Descendents are a national treasure and the worlds greatest living band. I feel fortunate any time I get to see them. And also Dillinger Four is my favorite punk band of the last 20 years. Plus the Dwarves are doing Blood, Guts, and Pussy from beginning to end, AND the fucking Buzzcocks!
PRT: Do you take requests at shows?
Brian: Sure, as long as we think we can get through whatever the request is we'll give it our best shot.