Upcoming Releases

Part Of The Game
Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - 17:56
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Quebec City skatepunk unit FULLCOUNT has announced the release of a new album entitled "Part of The Game"on October 12th.

For this self-released offering, the band teamed up for physical distribution in Canada/USA with Thousand Islands Records and the Exoshop. Lockjaw Records and Mud Cake Records will handle European distribution while Milestone Records will cover Japan.

“Part of The Game” will be available on vinyl/CD/digital formats and feature 12 tracks of shredding and technical skatepunk.


Track listing:

  1. Back Against the Wall
  2. Killdozer
  3. The Motion
  4. Dry Bite
  5. The Host
  6. Ten Shots Deep
  7. Discord & Treachery
  8. Alter Ego
  9. Maze Dream
  10. Leap of Faith
  11. Losing at Bullshit
  12. Dare Me Once