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Meteor Police New Type Destroyer Punk Rock Theory
Friday, June 16, 2023 - 11:11
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NEW TYPE DESTROYER is the debut album for Ocean County NJ's Meteor Police. The band refers to themselves as post-punk which is kind of true but doesn't really capture their noise rock or occasional hardcore influenes. The music is heavily bass driven with precise drumming, unpredictable guitar lines, and (mostly) rapid-fire shouted vocals. For fans of Fugazi, Q and Not U, Shame, or really anything that is punk-adjacent and rhythm heavy.

NEW TYPE DESTROYER will be out July 28 on Atlantic Heavy Industries (pre-order).


New Type Destroyer track list:

  1. In the Beginning: There was Disaster!
  2. Incel King
  3. We Killed Davy Crockett
  4. Odd Construct
  5. I Don't Care About the Weather
  6. Nihilist Jazz
  7. Routine Miracles/Endless Thirst
  8. Vampire Squid
  9. Brick Thief
  10. In the End: There was Survival!